Reading through the fact sheet from The Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne (link below in notes) It is estimated that 1 in 20 children in Australia have ADHD. It is more common in boys than girls and the exact causes are unknown.
I don’t know if that last fact is entirely accurate. Doing further research it seems that girls can be more inclined to mask their symptoms or internalize them.
I think it would be fair to say that 80 % of parents (and I’m being conservative with this number) that I speak to, either have a diagnosis for their children that amounts to ADHD or another form of behavioural problem or have an appointment with a paediatrician because they think that there is something similar going on.
When I speak to parent’s, it seems there are a lot of us on a very similar journey. As we commiserate with each other over our children’s lack of focus, emotional regulation issues and impulsivity and variations there of.
Some are on medication and this is working fine for them, some are on medication but it’s a constant juggle to get the “sweet spot”, others are just worn out from trying to keep their child busy in extracurricular activities in the hope that it will wear the ADHD out. Whichever path is chosen, one thing that everyone seems to agree on is that it’s exhausting!
My 5 year old doesn’t have ADHD or Autism, but what she does have is major emotional regulation issues. We recently went to a child psychologist and what we did find out is that she has some of the traits that come with Autism, the shyness, speech disorder, emotional regulation issues, and some compulsions that vary over time, like not wanting to wear new clothes incase they get dirty is something we are currently dealing with.
All of these things aren’t enough to have the Autism diagnosis box ticked. However what it does do is leave her and and us to navigate these traits and teach her how to get through life with them.
Personally we have seen a massive improvement in using NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback with her and her ability to regulate her emotions.

She surprises us daily by coping better in situations that would normally be stressful for her (and by default us).
She is more confident and we have noticed that lately she is more willing to talk to adults (when she would hide behind us before).
These are all WINS for us.
We love the system so much that we started a business to try and help other people and families like us (but that is a side note, and I think already in another blog).
The reason I bring this up is that doing the training to become a NeurOptimal® trainer, I know that this system works on anyone!
I know that it has worked for my family in various ways and I know that is has helped my 5 year old with her emotions and to cope in a world where she needs extra support.
I also know that it will help kids with ADHD or other behavioural problems.
How do I know this? Because I believe the science behind how the system works.
As humans, if we are given the opportunity to be our best and if we have the support to be our best , no matter where we are starting from, it’s human nature to move towards being the best version of ourselves that we can be.
In saying that, all results using NeurOptimal® are individual as the system works with your individual brain and CNS (Central Nervous System). My best, will naturally be different to your best or even my 5 year olds best.
I have digressed a bit but stick with me… the proof is in the pudding so they say and the best is yet to come! I promise!
I was fortunate enough to speak to a lady whose son, aged 7 was diagnosed with ADHD, ASD, Mood Disorder and sensory issues. Her husband was also on anti depressants.
Life was tough and she was searching for an answer. She had tried medication for her son, and it didn’t agree with him. Doing her research, she found information about NeurOptimal® and decided to try it.
When I heard of Elsa’s story, I knew that it had to be shared and she so graciously gave me her time so that I could put together this interview with her.
It’s important to note that this is her and her family’s journey.
Everybody’s outcome will be different, but that is the beauty of NeurOptimal®, it isn’t a one size fits all solution. It works with your system, and gives your brain and central nervous system (CNS) information about itself, what your brain and CNS does with this information will naturally be different to what somebody else’s will do with it.
Carlie : Elsa, Thank you so much for sharing your families experience with me. First ,off what was it like for your son prior to starting NeurOptimal® sessions?
Elsa: My son was very anxious, with his anxiety at 95%. He wouldn’t make eye contact, had impulsive behaviour, and was frequently disruptive and destructive at school. He struggled academically, had no friends, and lacked self-awareness, often leading to frustration and outbursts.
Carlie: Wow, so much going on for you and your family! How did you find NeurOptimal® and when did you start the sessions?
Elsa: Desperate for a solution, I researched and found NeurOptimal®. We started sessions at home in 2022. Initially, we did sessions daily, but adjusted to every other day after noticing irritability.
Carlie: Can you tell us more about your son’s journey and your observations about using NeurOptimal®
Elsa: Subtle changes appeared quickly. His sleep improved, and he began expressing love more often. After 25 sessions, he became more emotionally connected and aware of his surroundings. By 50 sessions, his reading and math skills improved significantly, and he became more responsive and calm. After 110 sessions, his behavior and academic performance continued to improve, and his tantrums significantly decreased.
Carlie: Wow, this all sounds great. Did you get any specific feedback from the school?
Elsa: Yes, his teachers noticed the changes. He became more organized, followed instructions better, and engaged more positively in class activities.

Carlie: And what is life like for your son and your family unit now after 180 sessions?
Elsa: The changes are remarkable. He makes eye contact, excels academically, completes tasks, has no anxiety, makes friends, recognizes his mistakes, and asks for help when needed. His disruptive behaviors have drastically reduced.

Carlie: Elsa, that is such a great turn around. You must be so pleased.
Elsa: I really am.
Carlie : So over this time while you were doing the NeurOptimal® sessions, where you doing any other therapy or giving any medication or supplements?
Elsa: He started Occupational Therapy, speech therapy, and saw a psychologist. We also tried an
Omega 3 supplement and Saffrosun Calm for additional support. Additionally, getting a puppy helped reduce his anxiety.

Carlie: Wow, it really sounds like you found another tool to add to your toolbox with finding NeurOptimal®. Do you have any advice for people who might be on the same journey as yourself?
Elsa: Be patient and consistent. Creating a calm, supportive environment is crucial. NeurOptimal® helped our family manage stress and anxiety, allowing us to maintain a calm household.
Carlie: Yes you had mentioned while we were talking that you saw some great results with your husband too! But I was thinking If you don’t mind I might delve into that a bit deeper another time in other blog post.
Elsa: That’s fine, always happy to talk about my experience and share my knowledge.
Carlie : Do you think you will continue sessions with your son?
Elsa: Yes as long as I can manage. The great thing about NeurOptimal® is that it is a wellness device not a medical treatment.
Carlie: Finally, what does your son think about NeurOptimal®?
Elsa: He loves it because he plays his games on the ipad on low sound, while he doing the training.
Carlie: Elsa, thank you so much for sharing your story. I’m sure that you have helped many people going through the same as you feel not quite so alone.

Disclaimer - Please note Elsa’s name has been changed for privacy reasons.
Images used in this blog are also stock images and all results with NeurOptimal® are individual to each person. NeurOptimal® is a training tool for wellness and optimization not a medical device and has not been designed to cure any illness/ disorder or as a means of diagnosis or as a medical intervention.